DigiAmphorae Database

This Database contains numerous amphorae from Bulgaria and Romania. The amphorae are documented, described and with accompanying visual materials such as photographs, drawing and even some 3D scans/reconstructions. The access to the database is open and free.
Amphorae Analysis
Educational videos
Training Modules

The 5 modules created in the DigiAmphorae project are free and open for anyone to explore.
3D reconstructions of amphorae
Guide for using and implementing the DigiAmphorae training modules
Extended paper abstracts

The International Conference “Apollonia Pontica and the Mediterranean World – Modernizing the Archaeological Higher Education” took place in Sofia, Bulgaria on 15 – 16.07.2024 and presented the project products and state of the art initiatives in the area of amphorae documentation and modernizing higher education in the field. The conference also presented some innovative aspects in the area of amphorae study in the Black Sea and Mediterranean region.