
The core idea
Modernizing the Archaeological Higher Education – Apollonia Pontica and the Mediterranean World (DigiAmphorae) is an Erasmus+ project in the field of Higher Education. The DigiAmphorae project seeks to develop and provide modern open educational resources in the fields of archaeology, ancient history, cultural heritage management.
The particular subject of the project’s open educational resources is the digital documentation of Ancient Amphorae in the region of Apollonia Pontica. As a result of 50 years of intensive archaeological excavations in the region, huge collections of artifacts have been acquired, mainly from the V-III century BC. They are crucial for enhancing and strengthening the understanding of ancient trade, history, and culture. Despite being of immense relevance to the history of the Classical World in Europe, there are no educational databases for amphorae available.
For this reason, the DigiAmphorae project focuses on these ancient pottery while simultaneously employing current methodologies for the creation of educational outcomes, such as digital technology for artifact documentation, database technologeies, interactive Learning Management System, educational videos, and others.
Main objectives
The DigiAmphorae project aims to:
- Establish and enhance innovative practices in the European higher education;
- Improve the capacity of university teachers in using digital data related to amphorae in the education by providing them open and distance learning resources in the field;
- Collect, analyze and provide openly an educational database with amphorae;
- Design and implement open educational resources such as training units and educational videos that can easily be implemented in bachelors and masters programs in disciplines like Archaeology, Ancient History, Cultural Heritage Management and others;
- Organizing a summer field school designed to improve the skills and knowledge of teachers and students in the relevant fields.
Target group
- University teachers in disciplines like Archaeology, Ancient History, Cultural Heritage Management
- Students in European universities who study such disciplines, specifically, students from the countries of the partnering organisations (France, Romania, Bulgaria)
- Museums and cultural heritage institutions

The project aims to develop a series of educational materials and tools, which will allow the circulation of modern methods and technologies for the preparation of future specialists:
- Educational online database, with amphorae;
- A series of educational materials and tools, promoting modern methods and technologies for the preparation of future specialists;
- Educational video materials: visual lectures on different topics about amphorae, their archaeological exploration, documentation etc.;
- Learning Management System in Archaeology for university teachers, students and other interested sides with a number of training units, videos, quizzes and other interactive tools;
- A summer field school for skills development for teachers and students in the field.


History Museum Primorsko, Bulgaria – Project coordinator

Musée du Louvre, France

Institute for South-East European studies, Romania

Student Computer Art Society/SCAS/, Bulgaria

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria

*National UNESCO club for scientific expeditions, Bulgaria
*Partner has participated in some project activities.
For inquiries about: | Contact person | |
The project | Project coordinator /History Museum Primorsko/ | museum.primorsko@gmail.com |
The online platform and learning management system | Rosen Petkov /SCAS/ | rosen@scas.bg |